The Bathgate Flooring Permaflor system includes a wide range of components and accessories to help achieve the most flexible and efficient floor designs, allowing HVAC systems, power supply, data cabling and other building services to be routed in the floor void.
Our range of Raised Access Ancilliaries ensures that you have a complete flooring system together with all the components needed. This full system incorporating Panel, Pedestals and Raised Access Ancillaries, facilitates future changes to layout and occupancy, provides relatively easy access for maintenance and allows installation of additional or upgraded services. Using the floor void for HVAC services instead of overhead can significantly reduce slab-to-slab heights in multi-floor buildings.
A range of adjustable-height pedestals is available conforming to the performance requirements of both BSEN and PSA specifications and giving void height options from 40mm – 2000mm. Pedestals may be fixed using adhesive or adhesive/mechanically fixed where required to the slab. Locating lugs on the head ensure correct panel seating, with the option of screw-fixing for additional rigidity. Steel pedestals are electro plated and coated with an environmentally friendly clear passivation.
Where additional lateral stability is required or where floor heights exceed 600mm, stringers may be attached to the pedestals. Stringers will improve lateral stability and rigidity but will not affect load-bearing performance.
Oversized / Bespoke Panels
To minimise cutting on site and facilitate panel fitting around perimeters, special sized panels can be supplied to order.
Bridging Beams
Where obstructions in the void or substrate prevent pedestal positioning at the corner of the panel, bridging beams can be used to provide continuous support to the panel and span the obstruction.
Electrical Outlets
Power supply for individual workstations can be routed to cable outlet grommets mounted within designated access panels. These can be supplied as either fully assembled panels or factory-cut for on-site installation by the M&E contractor.
Ventilation Panels
A range of ventilation panels for underfloor HVAC systems are available including perforated or bar-grilled formats.
Cavity Barriers
Fire, acoustic and air plenum barriers can be supplied for installation by others as required.
Ramps and Steps
For access or to facilitate changes in height between adjacent floors steps or ramps can be manufactured to meet specified gradient or height changes.
Details of additional Raised Access Ancilliaries including glues and flooring protectors etc can be obtained direct from the Supply Only Team. Talk to them now to get all your supplies delivered ready for the installation.
Call 01432 347722 for details